Topics in Algebra (2023)

The goal of this project is to study a topic in algebra which goes beyond a first course on the subject. This will involve reading and doing exercises, beginning with any necessary background material and culminating in the proofs of major theorems. The exact topic will depend on your interests and background, and I am open to suggestions. Some potential topics include the representation theory of finite groups, category theory, algebraic number fields, or basic commutative algebra with a view towards algebraic geometry.

Instructor: Justin Campbell, Department of Mathematics, University of Chicago

  • References: Depends on topic; I will make sure texts are accessible to participants
  • Prerequisites: Linear algebra, and ideally a first course in abstract algebra
  • Meetings: One per week from October 1, 2023 to December 8, 2023 (these dates are somewhat flexible)
  • Deadline: CLOSED
  • Type: Undergraduate, Graduate, Reading
  • Size: 1-3 students

PROJECT CLOSED. Thank you for your interest!

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